Actually, after I read several articles related to business networking, which is defined by Mari Smith on businessnetworkingadvice.com as
"The art of relationship building"
I realised that using the Internet to meet people that can help you with your business or that you can help with yours was not only a way of creating endless opportunites for business, but also, it may actually be the solution to another issue.

One of the concerns we have about the Internet is anonymity. The anonymity of users which often leads to a lack of trust... But what is more important to do business with somebody than trust? And how do you know if someone is telling the truth about themselves?
Well, the Internet, as far as business networking is concerned, may be bringing the solution to the problem it created. Indeed, in the business world, you cannot do everything online, or even if you do, you have to stay true to yourself to enable people to trust you and encourage them to do business with you.
Besides, the Internet is paradoxically helping to force people to be sincere by making all datas public. No more barriers between identities, no professional face and private face... Just you.
As a whole person... You have to display a coherent self if you want others to trust you, deal with you, and not be taken aback when they finally meet you. You have to show you just as you are. On howtolovenetworking.com, Gail Sussman Miller presents networks as

One of the concerns we have about the Internet is anonymity. The anonymity of users which often leads to a lack of trust... But what is more important to do business with somebody than trust? And how do you know if someone is telling the truth about themselves?

Besides, the Internet is paradoxically helping to force people to be sincere by making all datas public. No more barriers between identities, no professional face and private face... Just you.
As a whole person... You have to display a coherent self if you want others to trust you, deal with you, and not be taken aback when they finally meet you. You have to show you just as you are. On howtolovenetworking.com, Gail Sussman Miller presents networks as
"a natural extension of who you are and what you love to do".Everything is public on social networks, or at least, everything can be found. As Colleen Wainwright was saying on the same site,
"The transparency of the Internet has removed places to hide".
When it comes to online business networking you are no longer safe behind your screen...So that brings me to the title of my post : When the Internet means business, it won't cover you.
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Very good point that I never thought of before (and nice picture of kittens). I think this may all have to lead to a personal choice of anonymity online or not. Although that has its own drawbacks, the best way to build trust would be to show everything about you online, but you would also want the option to hide yourself as much as possible. Perhaps someday we will find a happy medium.
hey Julle. I agree with your opinion that the problme of anonymity on the internet. More and more the society focuses on the internet, more and more problems of anonymity. Already many problems are arised in Korea. I want to build relationship on the internet, it's true that I'm also worried my privacy!
@ Andrew
I'm glad you liked the kittens! (and the post of course!). Thanks for your comment. You are right, it all begins with a personal choice. Let's hope that for business networking, the Internet will continue to influence these choices towards truth telling to foster trust...
hey, juile I am alway looking foward to realing your post. Because each week you post creative writing. I never thought about before. It was very impressive to me that we have to be very sincere because we are on the internet. Thank you
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