I don't want to know what they are doing, I just want to be able to contact them. But they take it seriously. They insist on updating their profile 5 times a day. Why is that?
I use Facebook not because I want to, but because others do. And this doesn't mean I'm sheep-like because I didn't join FB because it seemed to be cool and the last trend. Just because I know this is the best way to contact people who like it (unlike me) (and it is sad, I know).
One of the first thing I've been asked, here is "Are you on Facebook"? And people add : "Don't worry, I'll find you". Which is actually scary. FB is the new Big Brother, but it is ok, it is just your friends and the CIA watching you:

I don't want people to put pictures of me on FB and tag them, but I can't act on it if they do. Facebook is a trap. It is out of control partly because of the people.
Whether you like it or not, you are always being judged. People - aka your "friends" - judge you on what you say about you on FB, and what you don't say. Why don't you want EVERYBODY to know you? DON'T YOU HAVE A LIFE? Why won't you let me tag you, it is fun?

Because it is PRIVATE!!!!!!! Wait, does that word still exist? Does it have a meaning or is it completely outdated? I wonder...
Call me an old fart, but I do like my privacy. Which is why I do my best to protect it.
I think Facebook does not have to be a mirror of your life. It is your choice.
I use Facebook not because I want to, but because others do. And this doesn't mean I'm sheep-like because I didn't join FB because it seemed to be cool and the last trend. Just because I know this is the best way to contact people who like it (unlike me) (and it is sad, I know).
One of the first thing I've been asked, here is "Are you on Facebook"? And people add : "Don't worry, I'll find you". Which is actually scary. FB is the new Big Brother, but it is ok, it is just your friends and the CIA watching you:

"By using Facebook, you are consenting to have your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States". "This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, agents or government agencies."I cherish my privacy. This is why I don't like to write information about myself that anybody can have access to in my profile.
I don't want people to put pictures of me on FB and tag them, but I can't act on it if they do. Facebook is a trap. It is out of control partly because of the people.
Whether you like it or not, you are always being judged. People - aka your "friends" - judge you on what you say about you on FB, and what you don't say. Why don't you want EVERYBODY to know you? DON'T YOU HAVE A LIFE? Why won't you let me tag you, it is fun?

Because it is PRIVATE!!!!!!! Wait, does that word still exist? Does it have a meaning or is it completely outdated? I wonder...
Call me an old fart, but I do like my privacy. Which is why I do my best to protect it.
I think Facebook does not have to be a mirror of your life. It is your choice.
"old-fashioned real-world concepts such as art, beauty, love, pleasure and truth"
do not have their place on Facebook. FB is artproof, loveproof and truthproof, if you understand what I mean...
So far, for what I've seen, it is about showing off, and continuously presenting "your coolest self". And what's with this relationship status, anyway? Does everybody have to know when you meet someone, when you break up, if you have been single for 2 years,... It is none of FB's business. Relationships are tricky enough, you don't owe FB any explanation.
I understand the people who lie on FB...because IT IS NOT REAL!Lying is a way of protecting your privacy.
I just think that with the same purpose, not saying anything is saner.
So, You want to protect your privacy? Then stop thinking you are answerable to Facebook and stop playing by its rules.
Quotes from :
"With friends like these ... Tom Hodgkinson on the politics of the people behind Facebook | Technology | The Guardian"
Photo credits to :
And check out this video, for fun : We need girlfriends
Something tells me I won't be receiving a friend request from you anytime soon. I do have a Facebook and I use it fairly often for the status, groups and events features. When I tore my MCL, all of my friends knew within a day, and I didn't have to take a single phone call. I manage a list of concerts in town in my AU Headbangers group, and find it very easy to get people together just by posting an event.
I will concede that that is the extent of my Facebook usage and I have detagged pictures that I don't like, but I'm not overly concerned about my privacy. I'm fairly open about where I work, what I do, what I like, etc. so I'm not scared of information getting out. Who knows? Maybe a business will hire me after reading my profile, or I'll make new friends or find old ones, or maybe even get the chance to change my relationship status.
Hey Andrew...
Thanks for your comment!
Actually, I agree with you... despite what people may think after reading this post, I'm not anti-Facebook...! (I know, it is not obvious...!).
I admit it is a really convenient means of communication. And you are probably part of the people who control their image and "reputation" and are careful when they post something online. I am part of them too, because I know that information on FB can be misinterpreted.
My point was mainly about not understanding how people can complain about violation of their privacy when they are the people providing the information about themselves. In French we say something like "Don't make a rod to beat your own back"...
Hey julie I like your work. I agree with you. FB is really great way to keep in touch with people, but it also has dark side. My point is that as long as we use FB in a right way, it would be great.
I am infatuated with the impact of social media- Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace; it is global, and it will change history books. However, my personal experience with Facebook has not been a pleasant one. I have seen many people use it as a display board for their magnificently "popular" or "beautiful" life. ---Facebook distorts reality.
I am also cautious about displaying myself via the internet, but, my account was hacked by one of my closest friends. Initially as a joke, he searched through all of my private messages and became angry when he stumbled upon a few messages regarding himself.. Nevertheless, we are not friends anymore.
And I totally agree with you on the relationship status bull crap. Facebook is a bulletin board full of judgements.
Facebook, originally a good idea, is incredibly FAKE.
Btw, Im a young (18) girl, not a pessimistic old person that hates all technology.. but I do loathe Facebook due to my experiences with it.
With the closing of my account, I know I will still have a means of communication to my true friends and I hope to become closer to them. I mean I don't really care about keeping up with the life of my old kindergarden friend that I pooped next to.
Feel free to delete that last comment after you read it. ;-) Thanks
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