Now, wait.
I can't describe ITEC-335 like that!
Well, first of all, I think it is kind of a lousy way you are not supposed to use anymore,
second of all, ITEC 335 deserves much more than that,
and "third of all" (can you ever have more than 2 main points..?) even if these four words absolutely match with the class,
I need more words!
This unusual class brought me far more than I expected! I didn't know anything about Social Networking, Web 2.0 or social media, and I may have been a little prejudiced against social networks in general before taking this class...(see the cartoon for further explanations).
Yet, I was really eager to learn about how these new tools could be applied and what they could bring to the business world. Now I do know.
In this class, I feel like I improved my critical thinking while still being free to be spontaneous, provocative or cynical in my posts. I learned so much about a world that I didn't know as well as I thought, the World...Wide Web.
I can't describe ITEC-335 like that!
Well, first of all, I think it is kind of a lousy way you are not supposed to use anymore,
second of all, ITEC 335 deserves much more than that,
and "third of all" (can you ever have more than 2 main points..?) even if these four words absolutely match with the class,
I need more words!
This unusual class brought me far more than I expected! I didn't know anything about Social Networking, Web 2.0 or social media, and I may have been a little prejudiced against social networks in general before taking this class...(see the cartoon for further explanations).
Yet, I was really eager to learn about how these new tools could be applied and what they could bring to the business world. Now I do know.

In this class, I feel like I improved my critical thinking while still being free to be spontaneous, provocative or cynical in my posts. I learned so much about a world that I didn't know as well as I thought, the World...Wide Web.
This is just a matter of perspective, and being able to open to new techologies and ways of communication instead of looking the other way, thinking that social media, web 2.0 or social networks are just a trend that won't last long. Even if this was true, I doe
sn't mean there is not a lot to gain from observing and participating in the conversations.
So, this class helped me change perspective and open my mind. As a word of wisdom, I guess I'd just tell students to stay as natural and spontaneous as possible, and not to worry about being strongly opinionated. Also, don't buy everything
you read but be ready to let yourself be convinced, and, as you say it here, don't knock it till you've tried it...
Thank you for this class and everything I learned.

Photo credits:
- http://www.connectedworldmedia.com/wp-content/themes/revolution-20/images/world.jpg
- http://www.weblogcartoons.com/cartoons/internet.gif
- http://auckc.free.fr/07-humour/mise_a_jour_2006/chat-poisson-rouge-humour-animal.jpg
- http://www.humour-felin.com/images/felin/wallpapers/real_3915_chaton_bocal_poisson.jpg
- http://4c.img.v4.skyrock.net/4c8/rouromeo/pics/791822227_small.jpg

So, this class helped me change perspective and open my mind. As a word of wisdom, I guess I'd just tell students to stay as natural and spontaneous as possible, and not to worry about being strongly opinionated. Also, don't buy everything

Thank you for this class and everything I learned.

Photo credits:
- http://www.connectedworldmedia.com/wp-content/themes/revolution-20/images/world.jpg
- http://www.weblogcartoons.com/cartoons/internet.gif
- http://auckc.free.fr/07-humour/mise_a_jour_2006/chat-poisson-rouge-humour-animal.jpg
- http://www.humour-felin.com/images/felin/wallpapers/real_3915_chaton_bocal_poisson.jpg
- http://4c.img.v4.skyrock.net/4c8/rouromeo/pics/791822227_small.jpg
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