This week, I read about conversational marketing...
Actually, it involves companies creating a Facebook page or blogging to get direct feedback from the customers and be closer to them.
Companies felt that they couldn't just let people talk about their products on the Internet,
sometimes criticize them, and share opinions without doing anything...They had to step in.
That must feel awful... Imagine... Reading or hearing things without being able to say what you think about it... or even being asked for your opinion...
Oh, wait ! That's what used to happen to us, customers, before the Internet and Web 2.0... ! Companies sent messages we were supposed to receive, listen and buy.
Less funny when it's the other way around, huh?
The Internet is completely revolutionizing the business. Companies feel like they are being left aside from what is happening on the web. They tried to use the Web in the old-fashioned way (regular website) but they are being forced to adopt the new tools of communication their consumers are into...
As it was said in the article from the Economist:
So, they come up with Conversational Marketing... Brands are trying to socialize with consumers by joining the social networks. They want to show that they care about what we think...and they want to "make friends with us".

I think the real motive for this sudden interest in blogging is that companies felt the shift in power. Not being able to control the message when you are a marketer is a real problem.
The communication scheme :
identified transmitter => encoded message => receiver (and noises around that threaten the transmission) is completely renewed...
Interaction is developing, instant feedback from the receptor, and countless noises are part of the new scheme.
That seems like a big challenge to take up, doesn't it? Will conversational marketing be enough?
Actually, it involves companies creating a Facebook page or blogging to get direct feedback from the customers and be closer to them.
Companies felt that they couldn't just let people talk about their products on the Internet,

That must feel awful... Imagine... Reading or hearing things without being able to say what you think about it... or even being asked for your opinion...
Oh, wait ! That's what used to happen to us, customers, before the Internet and Web 2.0... ! Companies sent messages we were supposed to receive, listen and buy.
Less funny when it's the other way around, huh?
The Internet is completely revolutionizing the business. Companies feel like they are being left aside from what is happening on the web. They tried to use the Web in the old-fashioned way (regular website) but they are being forced to adopt the new tools of communication their consumers are into...
As it was said in the article from the Economist:

"markets are conversations"... and companies want to target and reach their market... But they are not part of the conversation...
So, they come up with Conversational Marketing... Brands are trying to socialize with consumers by joining the social networks. They want to show that they care about what we think...and they want to "make friends with us".

I think the real motive for this sudden interest in blogging is that companies felt the shift in power. Not being able to control the message when you are a marketer is a real problem.
The communication scheme :
identified transmitter => encoded message => receiver (and noises around that threaten the transmission) is completely renewed...
Interaction is developing, instant feedback from the receptor, and countless noises are part of the new scheme.
That seems like a big challenge to take up, doesn't it? Will conversational marketing be enough?
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